A social enterprise for evidence based psychotherapy

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Clinical Supervision at Cathexis Psychotherapy

As part of an on-going commitment to supporting clinicians in practice we facilitate clinical supervision through individual and group contracts.

For further information contact Steve Buller:

Current rates for fees and costs are available on request:

STPP Supervision Workshops 2024-2025

A series of supervision workshops is now available as part of the annual series of Cathexis events.

More Details

Forms of Clinical Supervision

Dependent on treatment approach and clinician requirements we offer clinical supervision in a number of different forms:

Weekly individual supervision.

Weekly group supervision.

Monthly block group supervision.

Internet-based supervision.

Supervision for STPP/ISTDP

We provide a range of options for in-person and video-based supervision in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). These options include individual, group, block and internet-based arrangements.

We are now recruiting to monthly block supervision groups for those practising short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.

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