A social enterprise for evidence based psychotherapy

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Supervision Workshops

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy


Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Spring Series 2025

A series of supervision workshops designed to support and enhance on-going clinical practice and its development

Workshops provide an experience of clinical supervision in a safe, small group setting facilitated by an experienced STPP practitioner.

Therapy which takes place in the intimate immediacy of the space between a patient and a therapist - in the clinic room, in the now. Our aim is that workshops will have the same learning immediacy, with us all in one space.

Workshops are for practitioners developing their practice in effective and evidence based treatments

For further information contact Steve Buller:

Content of Workshops

This is a series of one day supervision events for practitioners who are looking for an experience of clinical supervision from a perspective of the latest developments in STPP. Workshops will enable participants to present their work in a safe, small group, workshop setting facilitated by an experienced STPP practitioner. This experience will provide opportunities to examine applications and improvements in effective, evidence based interventions.

Next Workshop

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Supervision Workshop

Organised to run in conjunction with the clinical development workshop on Saturday 22nd February 2025.

For more details and booking contact Steve Buller.

Clinical Development Workshops

Supervision Workshops can be combined with Clinical Development Workshops to further enhance practice development.